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Blackbird, fly Shutter Release Cable Adapter
Blackbird, fly Shutter Release Cable Adapter. Please note the cable required is shown but not included. Works with cables such as this one. Camera shown is not included.
Designed by me from scratch to fit the Blackbird, fly camera. It allows you to use a shutter release cable for beautiful long exposure pictures.
This adapter is push fit, it fits snuggly over and around the lenses.
Due to the long shutter button travel on this camera the adapter needs to be removed and reseated after each exposure to allow the shutter button to reset. You can hear it reset with an audible click when you lift the adapter off the camera after taking a picture.
This adapter uses a linear threaded nut to hold the shutter release cable so it is best not to screw the cable in too tight unless you don’t plan on removing it again. Also, it is best to fit this cable before mounting the adapter on the camera.
Directions for use
To use:
- Set the exposure switch to B.
- Push the shutter button sheath onto the shutter button (Photo 5).
- Gently push the cable anchor section of the adapter off the adapter body.
- Screw release cable into the cable anchor through the top (Photo 6).
- Push the cable anchor into the adapter (Photo 7).
- Gently push the adapter down onto the camera (Photo 8) ensuring the right hand support arm sits below the apperture switch on the lower lens (Photo 9).
- After each exposure (Photo 10) use the handles on the side of the adapter to gently lift it away from the shutter button (Photo 11), you will hear the shutter button click to reset.
- After use set the exposure switch back to N again.
Note, whilst the adapter is in use be careful handling the camera or you may spoil your photos by disturbing the adapter!
To remove:
- Gently remove the adapter from the camera by using the handles on each side to push it upwards off the camera body.
- Remove the shutter button sheath from the shutter button.
- Gently push the cable anchor off the adapter and remove the shutter release cable.
- Reinsert the cable anchor into the adapter body.
- Store the adapter safely with the shutter button sheath.
Supported Cameras
Tested with:
- Blackbird, fly