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Sparrow Fabrications

FDM 3D Printed Camera Accessories made in the U.K.

Home | Products | Manufacturing | About | Purchasing | Shutter Release Cables

Where to buy?

If you are in the UK and would like to save me the platform fees you can purchase directly from me using PayPal, please contact me first via email at

Alternatively you can purchase via:

Please note that eBay charges a shipping cost per item and where multiple items are purchased I refund excess postage after tax and fees.

What about shipping?

I use Royal Mail for domestic and international shipping. Royal Mail is very competitive internationally as they own their own aircraft then hand off to local shipping partners in the destination country.

I do not profit from shipping and merely cover my costs.

Typical shipping costs are:

Please note that where possible I use recyclable packaging, I make an effort to reuse padded envelopes and packaging and to reduce the impact on our environment. This is not about reducing costs as padded envelopes are very economical to buy in bulk.